"This is a chilling account of "loss of self", despair, groping through a tangle of information and treatment, and ultimately hitting on the right path.  This will be of great help to many!" - Dr. David A Ramies, Glaxo-Welcome

"Ken Vrana has done a remarkable job of "translating" the experience of illness, both medical and physical to the readership. He demonstrates the ways in which he was able to re-establish control over his illness and his life. This was done not as much by his doctors as with his doctors, who facilitated his self-discovery and ultimate self-management. As a physician (his physician) it was illuminating to understand Ken's personal experience of the events we shared. For any patient who has struggled to communicate their inner thoughts and feelings and has felt misunderstood or even mistreated, this book can reaffirm that those thoughts and feelings are real." - Douglas A. Drossman, Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of North Carolina

"Ken Vrana deserves praise (and hugs) for Free Falling on two counts: first, for baring his soul, and second, for illustrating the failings of today's mental health system. He courageously takes you along on his journey into the abyss, sparing no self-revealing detail, and sharing nothing but raw emotion. This book should be required reading in every school that turns out would-be mental health professionals because it demonstrates what happens to patients who fall through the cracks, an all too common occurrence these days. Ever since some psychiatrists have become 'drug doctors' instead of providers of psychotherapy along with the drugs, patients are free falling and suffering the pain of depression and other problems way too long. The system, created by insurance and managed care companies, of paying psychiatrists to hand out drugs, while other mental health professionals do the therapy, is not working. Unlike many patients who have literally free fallen to their deaths, Ken has fortunately survived to tell his tale. And let it be a lesson to society that the emphasis must return to getting to the root of psychological problems, not just putting a pharmacological band-aid on them." - Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H., Beverly Hills psychiatrist and bestselling author

"I am blown away by Ken Vrana's book! I believe he has captured the essence of what so many people with pain, anxiety, and depression experience.  He has also eloquently portrayed the pharmacological tar pit that traps people in a nightmare of effects, side-effects, and interactions.  His book is a touchstone that I think can help guide the lonely sufferer to that place of light that he finally reached.  Thank you Ken, for sharing your experiences.  Free Falling will be on the must read list for my patients." - Charles K. Burnett, Ph.D., Dr.P.H., Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry, UNC School of Medicine and HRC behavioral Health and Psychiatry, PA, Chapel Hill and Mebane, North Carolina


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